Turiec Open 2

Country Slovakia facebook share ANO
Shooting Range Turček Date 09.10.2021 Organizer Phone +421905289515 ŠSK RH shootingacademy
Payment Information
Upozornenie!!! Ziadame všetkých učastníkov o dodržiavane hygienických nariadení,povinnost nosenia ruška,dodržovat 2m odstupy,nepodavat ruky.Pri vstupe na strelecku sutaž každy učastnik vypíše prezenčnu listinu,že bol poučený ohladom opatrení Covid-19.
Pretek sa uskutoční nakoľko okres Turčianske Teplice sa bude v danom termíne nachádzat v covid ostražitosti orange.
Vstup ,,Z" základ do 50 účastníkov.
POZOR! Štartovné je nevratné,možné iba presunúť na iného štartujúceho.

Registrovaný v SADS:
    HANDGUN - 30EUR  
                                          PCC - 30EUR
Neregistrovany v SADS: HANDGUN - 35EUR
                                          PCC - 35EUR

Platba na účet pre registrovaných najneskôr do 8.10.2021 po danom termíne platba 40e
Pre tých čo budu platit v den preteku!!!

                             PCC - 40EUR 

Prematch: Je určený len pre organizátorov,členov,sponzorov a klubom pozvaných hostí!!!

UPOZORŇUJEME neregistrovaných strelcov pustíme do preteku pokiaľ bude volné miesto v squade. Čiže doporučujem sa registrovať pre Vašu istotu účasti v preteku. Neregistrovaný strelec platba na mieste.

v prípade záujmu sa registrujte do waiting squadu... po uhradení poplatku budete preradený do Vami požadovaného squadu.

Organizátor si vyhradzuje právo úpravy strelcov v squadoch z organizačných dôvodov .

V poli "Informácie o platbe" vyplňte svoje meno - do poznámky uveďte číslo squadu kde sa chcete registrovať ( napr: 1MM), ak budete platiť aj za ubytovanie, uveďte to do poznámky...

Vzor poznámky:       Ferko Mrkvička, Squad 1
                                 Ferko Mrkvička, Squad 1, ubytko

 Platobné udaje: IBAN: SK1183300000002201344861 SWIFT: FIOZSKBAXXX

Vlastník účtu: ŠSK RH Shooting academy, Horná Štubňa 107, 038 46 Horná Štubňa, Slovensko
Platba na účet: Fio banka, a.s, pobočka zahraničnej banky, Nám. SNP 21, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
General Information
Pretek bude vyhodnotený v daný deň.


Pre Match date : 08.10.2021
Pre Match Time Registration : 10:00
Pre Match Time First Shot : 11:00
Main Match : 09.10.2021
Main Match Time First Shot : 10:00
Main Match Time Registration : 09:00
Day registration options at the beginning of Match : 06.09.2021
Time after which you can begin registration on Match : 08:00
Deadline : 07.10.2021
Main Match Time Awarding Ceremony. : 14:00
Range Master Chalupa Cyril
Match Director Hrivnák Rastislav
Match Manager Hrivnák Rastislav
Pre Match (PM)
PreMatch Date: Friday 8th October 2021 Capacity: 10 Logged: 14
Capacity of PM
Free slots to PM
Main Match (MM)
1 MM Date: Saturday 9th October 2021 Capacity: 10 Logged: 5 + 10 reserved
2 MM Date: Saturday 9th October 2021 Capacity: 10 Logged: 5 + 10 reserved
3 MM Date: Saturday 9th October 2021 Capacity: 10 Logged: 2 + 10 reserved
4 MM Date: Saturday 9th October 2021 Capacity: 10 Logged: 4 + 10 reserved
Wating Squad Date: Thursday 9th September 2021 Capacity: 60 Logged: 2
Capacity of MM
Free slots to MM

Division : Standard | Production | Production Optics | Pistol Caliber Carabine |
Level : 1 |
Fiream type : Pistol |
Factor : Major | Minor |
Match Rounds : 150
Category Shooters : Senior Junior Lady Super Senior Regular
Registered shooters in squads
Main Match registration shooter 1 MM First shoot: Saturday 9th October 2021 Time: 10:00
Order Name Region Division Category Factor Status Date of registration Payment
1 Reserved by the organizer
2 Reserved by the organizer
3 Reserved by the organizer
4 Reserved by the organizer
5 Reserved by the organizer
6 Reserved by the organizer
7 Reserved by the organizer
8 Reserved by the organizer
9 Reserved by the organizer
10 Reserved by the organizer
11 Heinrich Roman Slovakia Production Regular Minor 27.09.2021 Yes
12 Bulka Martin Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 30.09.2021 Yes
13 Mertl Zdenko Slovakia Production Optics Regular Minor strelec 08.09.2021 Yes
14 Hlaváčiková Alica Slovakia Standard Lady Minor strelec 08.09.2021 Yes
15 Kurčík Matej Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 29.09.2021 Yes
Main Match registration shooter 2 MM First shoot: Saturday 9th October 2021 Time: 10:00
Order Name Region Division Category Factor Status Date of registration Payment
1 Reserved by the organizer
2 Reserved by the organizer
3 Reserved by the organizer
4 Reserved by the organizer
5 Reserved by the organizer
6 Reserved by the organizer
7 Reserved by the organizer
8 Reserved by the organizer
9 Reserved by the organizer
10 Reserved by the organizer
11 Čipková Katarína Slovakia Standard Lady Minor 08.09.2021 Yes
12 Nemcok Libor Slovakia Production Optics Senior Minor 30.09.2021 Yes
13 Ružička Milan Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 29.09.2021 Yes
14 Mikloš Michal Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 04.10.2021 Yes
15 Furmánek Juraj Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 30.09.2021 Yes
Main Match registration shooter 3 MM First shoot: Saturday 9th October 2021 Time: 10:00
Order Name Region Division Category Factor Status Date of registration Payment
1 Reserved by the organizer
2 Reserved by the organizer
3 Reserved by the organizer
4 Reserved by the organizer
5 Reserved by the organizer
6 Reserved by the organizer
7 Reserved by the organizer
8 Reserved by the organizer
9 Reserved by the organizer
10 Reserved by the organizer
11 Takáč Michal Slovakia Pistol Caliber Carabine Regular Minor 18.09.2021 Yes
12 Fajnor Rastislav Slovakia Production Regular Minor 29.09.2021 Yes
Main Match registration shooter 4 MM First shoot: Saturday 9th October 2021 Time: 10:00
Order Name Region Division Category Factor Status Date of registration Payment
1 Reserved by the organizer
2 Reserved by the organizer
3 Reserved by the organizer
4 Reserved by the organizer
5 Reserved by the organizer
6 Reserved by the organizer
7 Reserved by the organizer
8 Reserved by the organizer
9 Reserved by the organizer
10 Reserved by the organizer
11 Belko Jozef Slovakia Standard Senior Minor 03.10.2021 Yes
12 Ťažký Miroslav Slovakia Standard Senior Minor 03.10.2021 Yes
13 Slanina Peter Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 04.10.2021 Yes
14 Slanina Svetozár Slovakia Standard Super Senior Minor 04.10.2021 Yes
Main Match registration shooter Wating Squad First shoot: Thursday 9th September 2021 Time: 00:00
Order Name Region Division Category Factor Status Date of registration Payment
1 Vauška Marek Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 04.10.2021 No
2 Michalák Norbert Slovakia Production Optics Senior Minor 04.10.2021 No
Pre-Match registration shooter PreMatch First shoot: Friday 8th October 2021 Time: 11:00
Order Name Region Division Category Factor Status Date of registration Payment
1 Reserved by the organizer
2 Reserved by the organizer
3 Reserved by the organizer
4 Reserved by the organizer
5 Reserved by the organizer
6 Reserved by the organizer
7 Reserved by the organizer
8 Reserved by the organizer
9 Reserved by the organizer
10 Reserved by the organizer
11 Jeleň Michal Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 04.10.2021 Yes
12 Zvalová Jana Slovakia Standard Lady Minor 04.10.2021 Yes
13 Michalec Ľubomír Slovakia Production Regular Minor 04.10.2021 Yes
14 Hrivnák ml. Rastislav Slovakia Pistol Caliber Carabine Regular Minor RO 04.10.2021 Yes
15 Dolňan Zdeno Slovakia Standard Senior Minor RO 04.10.2021 Yes
16 Bakalar Martin Slovakia Production Regular Minor 02.10.2021 Yes
17 Jelenčiak Ivan Slovakia Standard Senior Minor 29.09.2021 Yes
18 Luptovský Peter Slovakia Production Regular Minor 10.09.2021 Yes
19 Kvasnica Matuš Slovakia Standard Junior Minor 09.09.2021 Yes
20 Kvasnica Juraj Slovakia Standard Regular Minor 08.09.2021 Yes
21 Chalupa Cyril Slovakia Production Optics Super Senior Minor Strelec, RM, štatistík 09.09.2021 Yes
22 Mikes Filip Slovakia Standard Regular Major 08.09.2021 Yes
23 Jenčik Milan Slovakia Pistol Caliber Carabine Regular Minor 08.09.2021 Yes
24 Hrivnák Rastislav Slovakia Standard Regular Major MD 08.09.2021 Yes
Stat List: Turiec Open 2
DivisionProductionStandardProduction OpticsPistol Caliber Carabine
CategoryRegularLadySeniorSuper SeniorJunior
1 MM5
2 MM5
3 MM2
4 MM4
Wating Squad2
Premach Sum14
Main Match Sum18
# ID shooter Last name and First name State Division Category Factor Squad Starting Payment Date payment
1 0 Bakalar Martin SVK Production Regular Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
2 0 Belko Jozef SVK Standard Senior Minor 4 MM confirmed Yes
3 0 Bulka Martin SVK Standard Regular Minor 1 MM confirmed Yes
4 8247 Chalupa Cyril SVK Production Optics Super Senior Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
5 0 Čipková Katarína SVK Standard Lady Minor 2 MM confirmed Yes
6 1814 Dolňan Zdeno SVK Standard Senior Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
7 0 Fajnor Rastislav SVK Production Regular Minor 3 MM confirmed Yes
8 0 Furmánek Juraj SVK Standard Regular Minor 2 MM confirmed Yes
9 0 Heinrich Roman SVK Production Regular Minor 1 MM confirmed Yes
10 0 Hlaváčiková Alica SVK Standard Lady Minor 1 MM confirmed Yes
11 1837 Hrivnák ml. Rastislav SVK Pistol Caliber Carabine Regular Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
12 1346 Hrivnák Rastislav SVK Standard Regular Major PreMatch confirmed Yes
13 0 Jeleň Michal SVK Standard Regular Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
14 0 Jelenčiak Ivan SVK Standard Senior Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
15 1751 Jenčik Milan SVK Pistol Caliber Carabine Regular Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
16 0 Kurčík Matej SVK Standard Regular Minor 1 MM confirmed Yes
17 0 Kvasnica Juraj SVK Standard Regular Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
18 0 Kvasnica Matuš SVK Standard Junior Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
19 0 Luptovský Peter SVK Production Regular Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
20 0 Mertl Zdenko SVK Production Optics Regular Minor 1 MM confirmed Yes
21 0 Michalák Norbert SVK Production Optics Senior Minor Wating Squad no confirmed No
22 1645 Michalec Ľubomír SVK Production Regular Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes
23 1832 Mikes Filip SVK Standard Regular Major PreMatch confirmed Yes
24 0 Mikloš Michal SVK Standard Regular Minor 2 MM confirmed Yes
25 1167 Nemcok Libor SVK Production Optics Senior Minor 2 MM confirmed Yes
26 0 Ružička Milan SVK Standard Regular Minor 2 MM confirmed Yes
27 0 Slanina Peter SVK Standard Regular Minor 4 MM confirmed Yes
28 0 Slanina Svetozár SVK Standard Super Senior Minor 4 MM confirmed Yes
29 0 Takáč Michal SVK Pistol Caliber Carabine Regular Minor 3 MM confirmed Yes
30 0 Ťažký Miroslav SVK Standard Senior Minor 4 MM confirmed Yes
31 0 Vauška Marek SVK Standard Regular Minor Wating Squad no confirmed No
32 0 Zvalová Jana SVK Standard Lady Minor PreMatch confirmed Yes

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